
Rochester Covenant Church


As followers of Jesus, we give freely and gladly to the work of Christ and His Kingdom through His Church!  God blesses us in so many ways – through new life in Christ and through the many ways He provides for our daily needs.   Rooted in the ancient Hebrew Scripture's commandment of the tithe (at least 10% of household income and resources returned to the Lord), the Christian standard involves  giving our first and best to the Lord's work through the church–regularly, cheerfully, prayerfully, and sacrificially.  We make every effort to be good stewards and managers of the resources entrusted to us, believing that healthy and mission-driven local churches are God's way of bringing hope, help, healing and salvation to the world through Christ.  

You may make an electronic one-time or repeat gift to any or all of the tax-deductible funds listed below–or contribute during Sunday morning worship or via a check mailed to the church: 

Visit Us : 4950 31st Ave NW, Rochester, MN 55901

Any Questions?
Mon to Fri

Monday 11 am-2 pm, Tuesday 11 am-3 pm, Wednesday 9 am-1:30 pm, Thursday 11 am-2:30 pm, Office is closed on Friday

Reflecting God's Love | Centered On Christ | Caring For Community

© 2022 Rochester Covenant Church 
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